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Map of Africa with a Ghanian national flag pin marking the country

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Culminates in New Ghana Study-Abroad Program

Posted: December 13, 2024

The relationship between Buffalo State University’s Africana Studies and Fashion and Textile Technology (FTT) programs has resulted in multiple collaborative endeavors over the past five years, including enhancements to Runway, FTT’s annual student-produced fashion show; the creation of a Fashion Scholarship and the new course FTT 389: Black in Fashion; and student-designed merchandise for an Africana Studies fundraiser. This spring, FTT and Africana Studies students will reap the benefits of the most exciting collaboration yet: a study abroad trip to Ghana.

A cohort of 11 Buffalo State students—comprising FTT majors and Africana Studies majors and minors—will visit Ghana for 10 days in January 2025, accompanied by faculty and staff.

Read the full story of Buffalo State's new study-abroad program in Ghana


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