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Faculty and Staff Appeal 2012: Robert Wood

Posted: March 14, 2012

Robert Wood, professor and chair of design, is commemorating his 25th year of service at Buffalo State. However, it’s not just the quantity of years Wood can celebrate; it’s also the quality of the program.

Since he began, Wood has committed himself to building excellence within the ceramics program by sharing his knowledge and talents and devoting considerable time to his students. Wood, who holds the President’s Award for Excellence both in research, scholarship, and creativity and as an undergraduate research mentor, has contributed annually to the Ceramics Program Fund, which pays for supplement materials, supplies, and equipment.

“It’s necessary,” he said, “because state budgets have always been inadequate.”

The payoff is immense. A number of graduates have developed successful design-related careers and landed in prestigious graduate programs. Also, the works of Design Department students and alumni have been represented at national conferences and exhibitions.

“By donating to the program, you are in turn providing students with additional support that enhances their educational experience,” Wood said. “When you believe in the mission of a college and believe in a program, you have a reason to give back.”

This fund is just one of many that Buffalo State faculty and staff members can contribute to during the 2012 Faculty and Staff Appeal. You can make a one-time gift, or, through payroll deduction, spread your gift throughout the year. Wood chose the latter, which he described as easy and painless.

“There is just one form to fill out, and it’s done,” he said. “Each year with salary increases, I try to put a little more money into it.”

For a full list of available funds, go to

For more information about the Faculty and Staff Appeal, contact Louis Noce at (716) 878-3467.


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